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Last night (November 2), Crazy Legs, founder of the Rock Steady Crew, shared a video on his Facebook. At the pioneering B-Boy’s home, a gathering took place of Afrika Bambaataa, KRS-One, and the Universal Zulu Nation co-founder’s Amad Henderson. Writing that the discussions are “a work in progress,” Crazy Legs told a camera, “[We been talking about] how to properly document Hip-Hop, and realizing that in order to properly document Hip-Hop for the future, you have to understand how we have been documented, as a people—and why that has caused such a dysfunction when it comes to respecting each other’s perspectives and contributions within Hip-Hop,” explained the legendary dancer born Richard Colon, moments after a private discussion concluded. “That’s what I’m takin’ from this; there’s a quite a few other things that were brought up.” [READ MORE]